School-Based Mental Health High School Consortium

Purpose of the Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) Grant:  Improved access to mental health services is foundational to supporting children and youth to develop into healthy resilient adults. The purpose of the MHSSA Grant is to establish mental health partnerships between county mental health/behavioral health departments and local educational entities in order to increase access to mental health services in locations that are easily accessible to students and their families. Grants that are awarded must be used to provide support services that include, at a minimum: 

  • Services provided on school campuses
  • Suicide prevention services
  • Drop-out prevention services
  • Placement assistance and service plans for students in need of ongoing services
  • Outreach to high-risk youth, including foster youth, youth who identify as LGBTQ+, and youth who have been expelled or suspended from school
  • Professional development for school staff
  • Other strategies that respond to the mental health needs of children and youth, as determined by the funding agency

See full Press Release - Click here

See Logic Model - Click here

Consortium Partners

Consortium Partners

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart

Spread Awareness

Spread Awareness Schedule

Joint Mental Health Billboard Campaign

See full Press Release - Click here

Contact Information

Miriam Belopolsky, Senior Director of Student Well-Being and Family Resources

Denise Cabanilla, Senior Director of Higher Education and Adult Learning

Robin Bates, Director of Grants and Accountability

ICOE Mental Health Matters Logo

For more information about the MHSOAC - Click here

MHSOAC - Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission Logo

Contact Information

Miriam Bell's Profile Picture

Miriam Belopolsky, Senior Director
MHSSA Imperial County Co-Lead
(760) 312-6498

Denise Cabanilla's Profile Picture

Denise Cabanilla, Senior Director
MHSSA Imperial County Co-Lead
(760) 312-6615  

Stephannie Ramirez Profile Picture

Stephannie Ramirez, LCSW
MHSSA Clinical Program Manager 
(760) 312-6498