Welcome to the Imperial County
Migrant Education Program- Region VI

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federally funded program, authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is designed to support high quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children to help reduce the educational disruption and other problems that result from repeated moves. Currently Region VI enrollment is approximately 7,754 migrant students ages 3-21. The school age children are being served by 13 school districts in Imperial County.
Migrant Education, Region VI is a supplemental educational program that provides support services through partnership and collaboration with school districts and community agencies to maximize the academic success of migrant students. Region 6 works closely with parents, school districts and community agencies to design supplementary academic services, activities and programs to ensure equitable opportunities for all migrant students and thus increase the graduation rate in the migrant student population.
Supplementary Services offered to MEP students:
- Medical/dental/optical services
- Educational support
- Summer school programs
- After-school programs
- Outdoor educational experiences
These are some of the supplementary services that Imperial County Migrant Education Program Region VI, in partnership and collaboration with school districts, offers to the migrant student population. Additionally, ICOE-MEP Region VI offers advocacy and academic guidance to all our migrant students.
MEP Region VI, Senior Director
Jessica Aceves
MEP Fiscal Manager
Clarissa Acuña
MEP Manager
Manuel Soto
MEP Identification
& Recruitment Supervisor
Ramon Santana
MEP Academic & Health
Support Services Supervisor
Amelia Rosas-Carlos
MEP Student Support Specialist
Mireli Rahiotis