The Imperial County Office of Education, Alternative Education program is comprised of Juvenile Court and Community Schools.
The Court Schools is Esther Huff School. This school provides educational services to minors detained by the juvenile court system.
Currently, there are 4 Community Schools, including an Independent Study Program, located in different sites throughout Imperial County serving students referred by school districts due to expulsion, a result of the recommendation by the School Attendance Review Board, or referred by the Probation Department pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code.
The Imperial County Office of Education operates a State/County regulated independent study program. As an alternative to comprehensive classroom instruction, the Independent Study Program provides curriculum materials and instructional support designed to assist parents who choose to educate their children at home or who travel for business or vacation and need to facilitate their children's continuing education. Independent Study is also an educational option for Community School students that are meant to respond to the student's specific educational needs, interests, aptitude, and abilities within the confines of the school board policy.
- Phone: (760) 312-5500
- Fax: (760) 312-5580
Alternative Education's Mission
Empower students to become productive members of the community by providing quality learning opportunities in:
- Independent life skills
- Academic skills
- Positive self concepts
- Effective relationship with others
- 21st Century Learners
- Improve student achievement through the pursuit of high standards in attendance, behavior and academics
- Commit to continuous improvement of the environment in which teaching and learning occurs.
- Strive to strengthen collaboration ties with parents, the community at large and support providers to deliver the services needed to successfully transition students to district schools.
- In addition, we strive to focus on the following Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLR’s)
Personal Development
Students will be…
Productive members of society who engage in healthy lifestyles, collaborate with others, and exhibit resilience.
Students will be…
Engaged learners who will make informed decisions using critical thinking
Students will be…
Upstanding citizens who will demonstrate positive actions such as honesty, integrity, generosity, and who peacefully communicate.
Students will be…
21st Century learners who responsibly utilize technology to create innovative outcomes.
Student Profile
- Expelled Students
- Students with SARB; Truancy/Behavior
- Students on Probation
- Court Referred Students
- Incarcerated Youth 602
- Other: Wards of the Court 300, 601
Contact Information
Monalisa G. Vitela
Senior Director, Alternative Education
253 E. Ross Avenue
El Centro, CA 92243
Phone: (760) 312-5525
Fax: (760) 312-5580