Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Hub Grant
The purpose of the California Department of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) STEAM Hub Grant is to expand the initiative across the entire California System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL). STEAM Hubs are tasked with 1) building STEAM capacity in expanded learning programs, 2) building knowledge of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to create a coherence with the instructional day, 3) increasing the quantity and quality of STEAM learning opportunities to students, and 4) building the confidence and competence of staff to facilitate STEAM learning experiences in expanded learning programs.
October-December STEAM Newsletter
California STEAM Statewide Logo
California STEAM Drawing Contest Winner - Maggie Garcia
Ballington Academy for the Arts and Sciences
6th Grade

More STEAM Newsletters:
STEAM Mini Lesson Videos
Contact Information

Brenda Buzane
Prevention Specialist | STEAM Hub Lead
(760) 312-6498