All Imperial County Public School Facilities Shall Remain Closed for the Remainder of the 2019-20 School Year
April 1, 2020
Residents of Imperial County,
In alignment with recommendations from the Governor and State Superintendent of Schools, today we are announcing the extension of school facility closures through the remainder of the school year.
While this means our school facilities won’t be physically open for students, the school year is not over. Educators across the county are working extremely hard to serve students and families and will continue to do so. Teams of administrators, teachers, counselors, and staff have been working around the clock to provide meals for students, plan and deliver distance learning, and support the many needs of students. These critical services will continue throughout the remainder of the school year. However, the need for safety through social distancing warrants that we keep our school campuses closed to students during this pandemic.
Yesterday, the Imperial County Health Officer issued an “Amended Stay at Home Order” which will remain in effect until further notice. We encourage this order be taken very seriously and are compelled as schools in Imperial County to do our part to support this effort. If our public health circumstances improve and it becomes safe to reopen our school facilities, we will revisit this decision. All of us want to return to school just as quickly as it is reasonably safe to do so.
For the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), visit the 2019 novel coronavirus website at https://www.cdc.gov/COVID19.
For local information, visit the Imperial County Public Health Department at http://www.icphd.org.
Dr. Richard Rundhaug, Superintendent, Brawley Elementary School District
Simon Canalez, Superintendent, Brawley Union High School District
Carlos Gonzales, Superintendent, Calexico Unified School District
Douglas Kline, Superintendent, Calipatria Unified School District
Dr. Ward Andrus, Superintendent, Central Union High School District
Jon LeDoux, Superintendent, El Centro Elementary School District
Juan Cruz, Superintendent, Heber Elementary School District
Celso Ruiz, Superintendent, Holtville Unified School District
Dr. Todd Finnell, County Superintendent, Imperial County Office of Education
Bryan Thomason, Superintendent, Imperial Unified School District
Blaine Smith, Superintendent, Magnolia Union School District
Laura Dubbe, Superintendent, McCabe Union School District
Keila Rodriguez, Superintendent, Meadows Union School District
Chelsey Galindo, Superintendent, Mulberry Union School District
Rauna Fox, Superintendent, San Pasqual Unified School District
Andrea Ellis, Superintendent, Seeley Union School District
Richard Cordero, Superintendent, Westmorland Union School District
Edwin Obergfell, Superintendent, Imperial Valley Regional Occupational Program
Todas las escuelas públicas del condado de Imperial permanecerán cerradas por el resto del año escolar 2019-2020
1 de abril de 2020
Residentes del Condado de Imperial,
Aunque esto significa que nuestras instalaciones escolares no estarán físicamente abiertas para los estudiantes, el año escolar no ha terminado. Los educadores de todo el condado están trabajando extremadamente duro para servir a los estudiantes y las familias y continuarán haciéndolo. Los equipos de administradores, maestros, consejeros y personal escolar han estado trabajando arduamente para proporcionar comidas a los estudiantes, planificar y brindar educación a distancia y apoyar las muchas necesidades de los estudiantes. Estos servicios críticos continuarán durante el resto del año escolar. Sin embargo, la necesidad de seguridad a través del distanciamiento social requiere que mantengamos nuestros planteles escolares cerrados a los estudiantes durante esta pandemia.
Aunque esto significa que nuestras instalaciones escolares no estarán físicamente abiertas para los estudiantes, el año escolar no ha terminado. Los educadores de todo el condado están trabajando extremadamente duro para servir a los estudiantes y las familias y continuarán haciéndolo. Los equipos de administradores, maestros, consejeros y personal escolar han estado trabajando arduamente para proporcionar comidas a los estudiantes, planificar y brindar educación a distancia y apoyar las muchas necesidades de los estudiantes. Estos servicios críticos continuarán durante el resto del año escolar. Sin embargo, la necesidad de seguridad a través del distanciamiento social requiere que mantengamos nuestros planteles escolares cerrados a los estudiantes durante esta pandemia.
El día de ayer, el Oficial de Salud del Condado de Imperial emitió una enmienda a la Orden de Salud que permanecerá vigente hasta nuevo aviso. Les pedimos que tomen esta orden muy en serio. Es nuestro deber como escuelas en el Condado de Imperial hacer nuestra parte para apoyar este esfuerzo. Si las circunstancias de nuestra salud pública mejoran y se hace seguro reabrir nuestras instalaciones escolares, volveremos a evaluar esta decisión. Todos queremos volver a las escuelas lo más rápido y seguro posible.
Para obtener la información más reciente de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), visite el sitio web del coronavirus 2019 en https://www.cdc.gov/COVID19.
Para obtener información local, visite el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Imperial en http://www.icphd.org .
Dr. Richard Rundhaug, Superintendent, Brawley Elementary School District
Simon Canalez, Superintendent, Brawley Union High School District
Carlos Gonzales, Superintendent, Calexico Unified School District
Douglas Kline, Superintendent, Calipatria Unified School District
Dr. Ward Andrus, Superintendent, Central Union High School District
Jon LeDoux, Superintendent, El Centro Elementary School District
Juan Cruz, Superintendent, Heber Elementary School District
Celso Ruiz, Superintendent, Holtville Unified School District
Dr. Todd Finnell, County Superintendent, Imperial County Office of Education
Bryan Thomason, Superintendent, Imperial Unified School District
Blaine Smith, Superintendent, Magnolia Union School District
Laura Dubbe, Superintendent, McCabe Union School District
Keila Rodriguez, Superintendent, Meadows Union School District
Chelsey Galindo, Superintendent, Mulberry Union School District
Rauna Fox, Superintendent, San Pasqual Unified School District
Andrea Ellis, Superintendent, Seeley Union School District
Richard Cordero, Superintendent, Westmorland Union School District
Edwin Obergfell, Superintendent, Imperial Valley Regional Occupational Program