Below you’ll find links to a variety of resources that include graphics, flyers, posters that you can share on your website, social media pages, and parent newsletters.
Thanksgiving Campaign
Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving Safely
This holiday season remember to take the necessary steps to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community safe.
staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
Source: Imperial County Public Health Department
California's Limited Stay at Home Order
#COVID19 has increased at a pace we haven’t seen yet. These next few weeks are critical to #StopTheSurge. To protect essential workers, high-risk individuals, decrease hospitalizations and deaths, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) have issued a limited Stay at Home Order to stop all non-essential work and activities from 10PM-5AM in purple tier counties. This includes Imperial County.
Everyone Can Make Thanksgiving Safer
Traditional Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends are fun but can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu.
The safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is to celebrate with people in your household. If you do plan to spend Thanksgiving with people outside your household, take steps to make your celebration safer. Learn how at
staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
Consider other Thanksgiving Activities
Traditional Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends are fun but can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu. This year, consider other Thanksgiving activities.
staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
Source: CDC
Everyone Can Make Thanksgiving Safer
Traditional Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends are fun but can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu.
The safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is to celebrate with people in your household. If you do plan to spend Thanksgiving with people outside your household, take steps to make your celebration safer. Learn how at
staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
Source: CDC

#staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving #ProtectYourselfProtectOthers

staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving

#staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving

#staysafe #stayhome
safethanksgiving #ProtectYourselfProtectOthers

#staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
One of the best parts of Thanksgiving is leftovers, but not this kind. Help protect family members and loved ones from the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the duration of your celebration and involving no more than two other households aside from your own.
staysafe #stayhome #safethanksgiving
Source: California COVID-19 Response Toolkit
COVID-19 Posters

Click here to access the COVID-19 Posters