ICOE Releases Annual Report to the Community

Annual Report Cover

ICOE Releases Annual Report to the Community

The Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) is driven by a clear mission: to improve the quality of life in our community by promoting strong families and students who are prepared for life, college, and career. Every aspect of our work is guided by an unwavering commitment to Service with Purpose. Our mission is the cornerstone of all our programs and initiatives, and our values and priorities are front and center in everything we do.

This constant focus on Service with Purpose guides us as we collaborate with local school districts, government agencies, industry leaders, and community organizations to make Imperial County an ideal place to live, learn, and thrive.

Throughout this report, you’ll discover how ICOE departments translate this purpose into action and foster supportive environments for students, educators, administrators, families, and the community. Together, we are building a strong foundation for success, equipping students with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

2024 Annual Report to the Community.

For additional reports, please visit:

Added on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 16:53