The Imperial County Office of Education Curriculum and Instruction Department coordinates the County Academic Student Events, public and private, for teachers and students in competitive, non-competitive, and cooperative environments. Annual events include the STEAM Festival, Science Fair, Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, National History Day, Spelling Bee, Math Competition, Film Festival, and the Imperial County Mid-Winter Fair Student Art Exhibit & Poster Contest. The events bring rich learning opportunities for students to experience and engage in content-specific festivals and competitions. Each event is designed to contribute to college and career readiness while promoting the 21st-century skills needed for the world of tomorrow. Join us to get your school, teacher, and students involved this year.
"Academic Student Events…sparking curiosity and bringing joy to learning!"
Academic Student Events
Click on Event Below For More Information
Contact Information

Eileen Verdugo
Student Events Manager

Lily Seanez
Clerical Assistant II