April is Autism Awareness Month!
Padlets provided & shared by: SELPA CAPTAIN Content Leads: Marin COE SELPA
Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times
Online Training Modules
Other resources
- COVID 19 resource Autism Speaks - What Should the Autism Community Know About the Coronavirus Outbreak?
Videos and Webinars
Autism House: Visual Supports for the Home (Part 1)
The Autism House: Visual Supports for the Home (Part 1) is a resource for families or anyone who lives with someone on the autism spectrum This simulated house features a living room, bedroom, dining room/homework area, kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor area set up with visual supports to aid individuals on the autism spectrum as they go about their daily routines at home. Helpful information from a variety of sources are available. Click on the link below for a detailed video tour of the house.
Autism House: Visual Supports for the Home (Part 2)
The Autism House: Visual Supports for the Home is a resource for families or anyone who lives with someone on the autism spectrum This simulated house features a living room, bedroom, dining room/homework area, kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor area set up with visual supports to aid individuals on the autism spectrum as they go about their daily routines at home. Helpful information from a variety of sources are available. Click on the link below for a detailed video tour of the house.