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>>SELPA Upcoming events
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/29/2024, 12/11/2024, 2/27/2025, 4/29/2025
- Teaching Students with Extensive Support Needs
Date: 2/25/2025
- NCPI Refresher Training
Date: 2/20/2025
- Legal Updates & Pro-Tips for 2025
Date: 2/18/2025
- Supporting Multi-disciplinary Teams Serving Dually Identified Students: A Systems Improvement and Equity Approach Series (2 Day Event) -- Pre-referral - Day 1
Date: 2/13/2025, 4/3/2025
- AT Cohort Date 2024-25
Date: 10/9/2024, 2/12/2025, 4/10/2025
- Extensive Supports Needs Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/28/2024, 12/10/2024, 2/5/2025(Canceled), 3/25/2025
- ERMHS Training - 2 Day Event
Date: 1/30/2025 & 2/3/2025
- ERMHS Training - 2 Day Event
Date: 1/30/2025 & 2/3/2025
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/25/2024, 11/21/2024, 1/30/2025, 3/20/2025
- Understanding Alternate Pathway to Diploma
Date: 1/30/2025
- The Essential 10: Essential Components of Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)
Date: 1/23/2025
- PECS Level 1 Training
Date: 1/21/2025 & 1/22/2025
- Circle of Friends Network 2024-25
Date: 9/24/2024, 1/22/2025, 4/29/2025
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- Fine Motor & Sensory Skills TK-3rd Grade
Date: 1/11/2025
- PSW Model for SLD Identification
Date: 1/8/2025
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/29/2024, 12/11/2024, 2/27/2025, 4/29/2025
- Extensive Supports Needs Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/28/2024, 12/10/2024, 2/5/2025, 3/25/2025
- Untestable to Testable: Transforming Students Who Are "Difficult" to Assess
Date: 12/3/2024
- Effective Strategies for Developing & Implementing High Quality IEPs (4 Part Series)
Developing Meaningful Individual Transition Plans and Secondary Transition Services - Day 4
Date: 9/13/2024, 10/10/2024, 11/5/2024, 11/21/2024
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/25/2024, 11/21/2024, 1/30/2025, 3/20/2025
- School-Based Mental Health Professionals Network 2024-2025
Fall Meeting
Date: 11/20/2024, 3/26/2025
- AALRR Navigating Legal Responsibilities in Special Education & Section 504 Accommodation Plans - 2 Day Event
The Essentials of the Least Restrictive Environment & Section 504 Accommodations Plans
Date: 10/30/2024 & 11/18/2024
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 11/12/2024 & 11/13/2024
- Effective Strategies for Developing & Implementing High Quality IEP (4 Part Series)
Incorporating Quality Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports within the IEP - Day 3
Date: 9/13/2024, 10/10/2024, 11/5/2024, 11/21/2024
- An Equity & Systems Improvement Approach For Multilingual Students With Exceptional Needs
Date: 11/4/2024
- AALRR Navigating Legal Responsibilities in Special Education & Section 504 Accommodation Plans - 2 Day Event
Legally Defensible IEP Development
Date: 10/30/2024 & 11/18/2024
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/29/2024, 12/11/2024, 2/27/2025, 4/29/2025
- Extensive Supports Needs Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/28/2024, 12/10/2024, 2/5/2025, 3/25/2025
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 10/16/2024 & 10/17/2024
- Effective Strategies for Developing & Implementing High Quality (4 Part Series)
IEPs as Pathways to Sound Instructional and Curricular Pathways - Day 2
Date: 9/13/2024, 10/10/2024, 11/5/2024, 11/21/2024
- MOVE Basic Provider Training- 2 Day Event
Date: 09/23/2024, 10/9/2024
- AT Cohort Date 2024-25
Date: 10/9/2024, 2/12/2025, 4/10/2025
- Introduction to the Extensive Support Needs Setting
Date: 10/3/2024
- Introduction to the Extensive Support Needs Setting
Date: 10/2/2024
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Network Meetings 24-25 - 10 Day Event
Date: 09/26/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/15/2024, 12/19/2024, 01/23/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/27/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/29/2025, 6/26/2025
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings 24-25 - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/25/2024, 11/21/2024, 1/30/2025, 3/20/2025
- Circle of Friends Network 2024-25
Date: 9/24/2024, 1/22/2025, 4/29/2025
- MOVE Basic Provider Training- 2 Day Event
Date: 09/23/2024, 10/9/2024
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 9/18/2024 & 9/19/2024
- Effective Strategies for Developing & Implementing High Quality(4 Part Series)
Writing and Facilitating Compliant IEPs for Educational Benefit and Compliance - Day 1
Date: 9/13/2024, 10/10/2024, 11/5/2024, 11/21/2024
- Preventing Restraint & Seclusion: Emergency Reporting Procedures
Date: 8/30/2024
- UCLA PEERS for Adolescents School-Based Training
Date: 8/14/2024, 8/15/2024, 8/16/2024
- Webinar Series: Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity: Serving Students with Extensive Support Needs (3 Day Event) - Day 2
Presumed Competence
Date: 5/13/2024, 5/29/2024, 6/10/2024
- An Equity & Systems Improvement Approach for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs
Date: 5/28/2024
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Training
Date: 4/9/24, 5/17/24, 6/25/24
- Webinar Series: Embracing Diversity and Dimensions of Identity: Serving Students with Extensive Support Needs (3 Day Event) - Day 1
High-Leverage Resources for Success
Date: 5/13/2024, 5/29/2024, 6/10/2024
- Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs; A Tiered Approached to Accessibility (4 Day Event) - Day 4
Date: 11/9/2023, 1/23/2024, 3/5/2024, 5/10/2024
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (6 Day Event) - Day 6
Resource: Reclassification Workbook
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 4/10/24, 5/8/2024
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
*Dual Language Immersion' Presentation
Date: 9/21/2023, 11/15/2023, 3/27/24, 4/25/24
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/14/2023, 10/25/2023, 2/15/24, 4/24/24
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (6 Day Event) - Day 5
Systems Improvement: Equity & Access for Dually Identified Students
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 4/10/24, 5/8/2024
- SEIS & CALPADS Special Education Reporting Training
Date: 4/9/24, 5/17/24, 6/25/24
- Circle of Friends Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/12/2023, 12/14/2023, 3/13/24, 4/23/24
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (6 Day Event) - Day 4
Resource: Linguistically Appropriate Goals & Objectives Jamboard
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 4/10/24 5/8/2024
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/21/2023, 11/15/2023, 3/27/24, 4/25/24
- Circle of Friends Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/12/2023, 12/14/2023, 3/13/24, 4/23/24
- Special Olympics - Unified Physical Education
Date: 3/20/2024
- Maximizing AAC Opportunities Within Daily Routines
Date: 3/12/2024
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2023-24
Date: 3/8/2024
- Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs; A Tiered Approached to Accessibility (4 Day Event) - Day 3
**In Collaboration with Open Access - Learning & Participation for ALL
Click here for Open Access Presenters Information
Date: 11/9/2023, 1/23/2024, 3/5/2024, 5/10/2024
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (5 Day Event) - Day 3
Resource: Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate SPED Assessment
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 5/8/2024
- Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 2/26/2024 & 2/27/2024
- Evaluation Best Practices
Date: 2/23/24
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/14/2023, 10/25/2023, 2/15/24, 4/24/24
- Development, Routines, & Themes: The Blueprint for Effective Special Education Classrooms
Date: 2/15/24
- Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 1/24/2024 & 1/25/2024
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (5 Day Event) - Day 2
Resource: Pre- Referral Flowchart
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 5/8/2024
- Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs; A Tiered Approached to Accessibility (4 Day Event) - Day 2
Date: 11/9/2023, 1/23/2024, 3/5/2024, 5/10/2024
- Circle of Friends Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/12/2023, 12/14/2023, 3/13/2024, 4/23/2024
- Building Your Toolkit: Take & Go Resources for Practitioners Serving Dually Identified Students (5 Day Event) - Day 1
Resource: Tiers of Instruction & Intervention Infographics & Jamboard
Date: 12/6/2023, 1/24/2024, 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024, 5/8/2024
- Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Moderate-Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder
Date: 11/30/2023
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2023-24
Date: 11/28/2023
- Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs; A Tiered Approached to Accessibility (4 Day Event) - Day 1
Date: 11/9/2023, 1/23/2024, 3/5/2024, 5/10/2024
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/21/2023, 11/15/2023, 2/1/2024, 3/27/2024
- Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 11/8/2023 & 11/9/2023
- PBS Parent Workshops - 3 Part Series (3rd Day)
Español/Spanish Version
Date: 10/17/2023, 10/24/2023, 11/7/2023
- Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Training
Date: 10/26/2023
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/14/2023, 10/25/2023, 2/15/2024, 4/24/2024
- PBS Parent Workshops - 3 Part Series (2nd Day)
Español/Spanish Version
Date: 10/17/2023, 10/24/2023, 11/7/2023
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)Training
Date: 10/19/2023
- PBS Parent Workshops - 3 Part Series (1st Day)
Español/Spanish Version
Date: 10/17/2023, 10/24/2023, 11/7/2023
- Circle of Friends Network - 4 Day Event
Date: 10/12/2023, 12/14/2023, 3/13/2024, 4/23/2024
- Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Mild-Moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder
Date: 10/5/2023
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2023-24
Date: 10/4/2023
- Making Sense of the IEP
Date: 9/27/2023
- Making Sense of the IEP
Date: 9/21/2023
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/21/2023
- Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention - 2 Day Foundation Course
Date: 9/20/2023 & 9/21/2023
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings - 4 Day Event
Date: 9/14/2023
- Writing & Facilitating IEPs
Date: 9/13/2023
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom - 5-Day Summer Institute
Date: 8/7/2023 - 8/11/2023
- SELPA AT Cohort Roundtable (PM Session)
Date: 5/4/2023
- SELPA AT Cohort Roundtable (AM Session)
Date: 5/4/2023
- Circle of Friends Kick Off
Date: 5/2/2023
- Best Practices for Assessing English Learners
Date: 4/28/2023
- School Therapists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 4/19/2023
- School Psychologists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 3/29/2023
- Report Writing: Legally Defensible & Helpful Reports
Date: 3/28/2023
- PSW Model for SLD Identification
Date: 3/27/2023
- CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities Professional Development (4 Day Event)
Date: 3/9/2023
- Circle of Friends Kick Off
Date: 3/8/2023
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities: Co-Teaching: Making Learning Accessible for English Learners with Disabilities
Date: 3/6/2023
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2022-23
NCPI preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 2/23/2022
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom
Introduction and guided practice on behavior emergency procedures.
Date: 2/22/2023
- School Therapists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 2/16/2023
- SDCOE-ELRISE! in Collaboration with Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities (3 Day Event)
Session 2: Assessment of English Learners for Possible Identification as a Student with a Disability AM Session | Section 3: Reclassification from EL Status: Pathways for ELs with Disabilities PM Session
Date: 2/9/2023
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention 2022-23
Participants will learn a range of preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 2/8/2022 & 2/9/2022 (2-Day)
- Assessment and Intervention for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
2022-2023 Diagnostic Center of Southern California Professional Development
Date: 2/2/2022
- School Psychologists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 1/31/2023
- CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities Professional Development (4 Day Event)
An Overview of Section 3: Education Programs and Instructional Strategies
Date: 1/26/2023
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom
Introduction and guided practice on reinforcement procedures and functional communication training.
Date: 1/25/2023
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 9: Reclassifying Students with Disabilities from English Learner Status
Date: 1/25/2023
- SDCOE-ELRISE! in Collaboration with Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities (3 Day Event)
Session 2: Referral Process for English Learners Who May be Eligible for Special Education
Date: 1/17/2023
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 8: Exiting English Learners from Special Education Status
Date: 1/10/2023
- Circle of Friends Kick Off
This Circle of Friends Workshop is for current and ongoing district programs.
Date: 12/14/2022
- School Psychologists’ & Speech Roundtable Meeting
Date: 12/12/2022
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom
Introduction and guided practices on the principles of applied behavior analysis, including naturalistic teaching procedures and generalization.
Date: 12/7/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 7: Teaching and Learning to Meet Student Needs (Part 2)
Date: 12/7/2022
- SDCOE-ELRISE! in Collaboration with Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities (3 Day Event)
Session 1: Access, Equity, and Instructional Practices to Meet the Needs of ELs
Date: 12/6/2022
- An Introduction to the What's & Not's of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Implications
2022-2023 Diagnostic Center of Southern California Professional Development
Date: 12/6/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities: English Learner Initial Referral to Special Education and Decision-Making Process
Date: 12/5/2022
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2022-23
NCPI preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 11/29/2022
- Comprehensive Threat Assessment Workshop
Date: 11/28/2022
- School Psychologists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 11/17/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 7: Teaching and Learning to Meet Student Needs (Part 1)
Date: 11/16/2022
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention 2022-23
Participants will learn a range of preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 11/9/2022 & 11/10/2022 (2-Day)
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 6: Educational Programming: Access and Equity For English Learners with Disabilities
Date: 11/9/2022
- Do This, Not That!: The Educator’s Guide to working with Mental Health Conditions
2022-2023 Diagnostic Center of Southern California Professional Development
Date: 11/8/2022
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom
Introduction and guided practices on positive behavior supports, including antecedent based interventions and prompting.
Date: 11/7/2022
- Working Effectively with English Learners: A Focus on Understanding Dyslexia and Pre-referral Interventions (3 Day Event) - Session 3
Session 3: Participants will develop an understanding of the linguistically appropriate assessment process for students suspected of having dyslexia.
Date: 11/3/2022
- School Therapists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 10/28/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 5: Developing an Individualized Education Program for English Learners
Date: 10/26/2022
- CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities Professional Development (4 Day Event)
An Overview of Section 2: Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment, and IEP Processes
Date: 10/25/2022
- Circle of Friends Kick Off
This Circle of Friends Workshop is for current and ongoing district programs.
Date: 10/17/2022
- Implementing Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom
Overview of special education, behavior concepts, and data collection.
Date: 10/14/2022
- Inclusive Education for Student with Mild-Moderate Disabilities
2022-2023 Diagnostic Center of Southern California Professional Development
Date: 10/11/2022
- Working Effectively with English Learners: A Focus on Understanding Dyslexia and Pre-referral Interventions (3 Day Event) - Session 2
Session 2: Participants will explore the pre-referral process and effective interventions for students learning English who are struggling with reading.
Date: 10/6/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 4: Assessment of English Learners for Identification as Students with Disabilities
Date: 10/5/2022
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention 2022-23
Participants will learn a range of preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 10/3/2022 & 10/4/2022 (2-Day)
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 3: Special Education Referral Process for English Learners
Date: 9/28/2022
- Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Mild-Moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder
2022-2023 Diagnostic Center of Southern California Professional Development
Date: 9/27/2022
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2022-23
NCPI preventive strategies, de-escalation skills, and communication skills.
Date: 9/26/2022
- School Psychologists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 9/21/2022
- CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities Professional Development (4 Day Event)
An Overview of Section 1: Identification of English Learners, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Pre-Referral Interventions
Date: 9/26/2022
- Working Effectively with English Learners: A Focus on Understanding Dyslexia and Pre-referral Interventions (3 Day Event) - Session 1
Session 1: Participants will focus on furthering their understanding of dyslexia and its manifestation in the classroom. An exploration state & federal mandates related to prereferral processes, identification, and assessment procedures will be presented.
Date: 9/15/2022
- School Therapists’ Roundtable Meetings
Date: 9/15/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 2: Supports for English Learners within the Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework
Date: 9/14/2022
- A Focus on Language Difference vs. Disability: Addressing issues Related to Disproportionality
Date: 9/6/2022
- Writing & Facilitating IEPs - SEIS
Date: 9/1/2022
- Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities - Virtual Institute for ADMINISTRATORS: A Focus on key decisions made by SELPA, County Office & Site-based Administrators (10 Day Event)
Chapter 1: Students with Disabilities Who May Be Identified as English Learners
Date: 8/31/2022
- Practice-Based Coaching Training - 3 Day
Date: 6/28/2022 - 6/30/2022
- Embedded Instruction Workshops - 4 Day
Date: 6/14/2022 - 6/17/2022
- Session 4: Reclassification from EL Status: Pathways for ELs with Disabilities
Date: 5/31/2022
- CA Practitioner's Guide for Educating EL with Disabilities - An overview of Section 5: Reclassification from English Learner Status - 5 day Series
Date: 5/24/2022
- A AT Cohort Meetings
Date: 5/23/2022
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 5/12/2022
- UPK SELPA Consult Session
Date: 4/28/22
- Session 3: Assessment of English Learners for Possible Identification As A Student with a Disability
Date: 4/26/2022
- SELPA AT Cohort Meetings
Date: 4/13/2022
- Administration of the Woodcock-Johnson-IV Achievement (4 Part Series)
Date: 4/12/22
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 4/8/2022
- CA Practitioner's Guide for Educating EL with Disabilities - An overview of Section 4: Proposing Exit from Special Education Services - 5 day Series
Date: 4/6/2022
- Administration of the Woodcock-Johnson-IV Achievement (4 Part Series)
Date: 4/5/22
- Session 2: Access, Equity, and Instructional Practices to Meet the Needs of ELs
Date: 3/29/2022
- Writing Linguistically Appropriate Goals and Objectives for ELs with Disabilities
Date: 3/28/2022
- LCAP Development Series - SELPA Consultation
Date: 3/23/2022
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2021-22 - 6 Options Available
Date: 3/23/2022 (PM Session)
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2021-22 - 6 Options Available
Date: 3/23/2022 (AM Session)
- IEP Fast Track Part 2: Developing the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) with the IEP
Date: 3/22/2022
- Administration of the Woodcock-Johnson-IV Achievement (4 Part Series)
Date: 3/15/22
- CA Practitioner's Guide for Educating EL with Disabilities - An overview of Section 3: Education Programs and Instructional Strategies - 5 day Series
Date: 3/9/2022
- LCAP Development Series - Foster Youth Consultation
Date: 3/3/2022
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NCPI) 2021-22 - 2-Day Foundation Course (Full Course)
Date: 2/3/2022 & 2/8/2022
- IEP Fast Track
Date: 2/8/2022
- Threat Assessment - 2 Part Series
Date: 2/9/2022 & 2/11/202
- Evidenced-Based Practices for Students with Mild-Moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder
Date: 2/17/2022
- CA Practitioner's Guide for Educating EL with Disabilities - An overview of Section 2: Pre-Referral and Referral, Assessment and IEP Processes - 5 day Series
Date: 2/18/2022
- Administration of the Woodcock-Johnson-IV Achievement (4 Part Series)
Date: 2/22/2022
- Session 1: Referral Process for English Learners Who May be Eligible for Special Education
Date: 2/24/2022
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 2/28/2022
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 1/28/2022
- Best Best & Krieger - Alternate Dispute Resolution Series
Date: 12/1/2021 & 1/26/2022
- Inclusive Education for Students with Mild-Moderate Disabilities
Date: 1/20/2022
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 12/10/2021
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 12/10/2021
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NCPI) 2021-22 - 2-Day Foundation Course (Full Course)
Date: 12/6/2021 & 12/7/2021
- Best Best & Krieger - Alternate Dispute Resolution Series
Date: 12/1/2021 & 1/26/2022
- Meeting the Needs of English Learners with Moderate & Severe Disabilities
Date: 11/30/2021
- The First Fron(tier)!: An Overview of Tier 1 Positive Behavior Supports for ALL Students
Date: 11/18/2021
- Writing Compliant IEPs for Ed Benefit (Limited Space - 24 seats)
Date: 11/10/2021
- NCPI Refresher Courses 2021-22 - 6 Options Available
Date: 11/5/2021
- Drafting the 504 Plan
Date: 10/28/2021
- School Psychologists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 10/15/2021
- Don't Have Time! How to Make School-Based Interventions Work in the Elementary School
Date: 10/14/2021
- Non-violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NCPI) 2021-22 - 2-Day Foundation Course (Full Course)
Date: 10/12/2021 & 10/13/2021
- Speech Therapists' Roundtable Meetings
Date: 10/7/2021
- CA Practitioner's Guide for Educating EL with Disabilities - An overview of Section 1: Identification of English Learners, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Pre-Referral Interventions - 5 day Series
Date: 10/6/2021
- Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques for Educators
Date: 9/29/2021
- SELPA AT Cohort Meetings
Date: 9/27/2021
- Follow-up: Evaluation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: A nondiscriminatory assessment framework for all practitioners - Q&A Session
Date: 9/24/2021
- Circle of Friends - Welcome Back!
Date: 9/17/2021
- Evaluation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: A nondiscriminatory assessment framework for all practitioners
Date: 9/16/2021
- Writing Compliant IEPs
Date: 9/7/2021
- Preparing for CALPADS Census Day 2021
Date: 8/31/2021
- Young Athletes Teacher Training
Date: 5/26/2021
- Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Mild-Moderate ASD
Date: 5/4/2021
- Young Athletes Teacher Training
Date: 5/26/2021
- Evidence-Based Practices for Students with Mild-Moderate ASD
Date: 5/4/2021
- Behavior Is Communication
Date: 4/22/2021
- The ABCs of Preschool Assessment
Date: 3/15/2021
- A Nine-Step Process for Determining Where, When & How to Address IEP Goals for English Learners with Extensive Support Needs
Date: 2/23/2021
- Do This, Not That! - Part 2
Date: 1/28/2021 & 2/11/2021
- Battery Not Included: Assessing Complex Communication needs of Students Who Cannot Access Formalized Testing
- Overview of Open Access Resources - for Imperial County SELPA
Date: 2/11/2021
- An Introduction to the CDE California Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities
Date: 2/10/2021
- ICBHS Referral Process
Date: 2/10/2021
- Reclassification of English Learners with Disabilities
Date: 2/1/2021
- Do This, Not That! - Part 1
Date: 1/28/2021 & 2/11/2021
- Parent Training - Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NCPI) (English/Español)
Date: 1/27/2021